Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Little Bit of Appreciation

Sometimes it's quite nice when your hard work earns you the metaphorical pat on the back. Recently, I got the "you've been doing great work" chat from my intern boss and let me tell you, I feel awesome. Let's also add the fact that a client also found my work super helpful and wanted to make sure I was thanked for it! *squee*

Let's all take a moment and think about the people we appreciate in our lives. Is there anyone you know; a critique partner, husband, or coworker you feel is doing awesome? Let em' know!

You could seriously make someone's day ya'll.


P.S. Auzy + ~N you guys rock this site and I totally appreciate you both! :)


  1. A couple of years ago, on a busy London underground train, I was carrying a bag of presents, flowers, lunch (you get the picture) and a lad - about 17 I suppose - with tattoos and piercings, stood up for me. I said, 'Thank you - your mother would be proud of you.' and he smiled like a little boy and said he'd tell her.

    It's not just those we know and love who need appreciating - and it was a lesson to me not to judge a lad by his piercings!

  2. Great point! Positive breeds more positive; yeah, that works in reverse too. So important to give that 'Ata boy/girl' every so often. Nicely done!
