Title: MEM
Genre: Adult SciFi
In a world where memories are alterable it is hard to know who you are much less the world you live in. Mori works at MEM as an ethics officer, investigating illegal use of memory technology. Mori was one of many children whose memories were stolen in the name of research. After an abducted pregnant woman is released without her newborn son, Mori must delve into his past and MEM itself to find the child.
First 500 words:
Gilman sweeps his thumb along my desk, allowing files to scatter across the surface as they are pulled from the small information chip embedded under his skin. When the transfer is complete he moves to the seat across from me, watching my expression as it turns to one of defeat. “Played the game and won big time, buddy. Now you’ve gotta take the punishment.”
“Promotion is no longer my favorite word in the dictionary. In fact, I might have to begin placing the letter ‘P’ after ‘Z’ in my personal dictionary just to ensure that I never see it again.” I reach out my palm and pull the files towards me so that I can skim the list of complaints. So many of them will contain the whiny voices of attention-seeking customers; some, admittedly, pleading matters of life, death, and worse but at this hour they all look the same to me. It is nine in the evening and I have yet to see my own unit today and oh, do I miss my bed.
“Promotion is no longer my favorite word in the dictionary. In fact, I might have to begin placing the letter ‘P’ after ‘Z’ in my personal dictionary just to ensure that I never see it again.” I reach out my palm and pull the files towards me so that I can skim the list of complaints. So many of them will contain the whiny voices of attention-seeking customers; some, admittedly, pleading matters of life, death, and worse but at this hour they all look the same to me. It is nine in the evening and I have yet to see my own unit today and oh, do I miss my bed.
“Can’t sleep here, buddy.” Gilman slaps his hand across my shoulder, waking me up as my head begins to slip without permission onto the desk in front of me. “You’re going to be quizzed on this tomorrow.” I look at him, horror in my eyes, only to recognize the snigger that plays across his lips.
“Very funny, Gil. Make the new man jump.”
“Ah, you won’t be a new man for long,” he says, apologetically. “Of course,” he flashes a cocky smile, “I’ve been the new man for years. Ladies love the vulnerability. I have to keep moving down the floors so they don’t notice but I’ve found that the interns on level 4 find the men at the top real interesting. Little do they know that we’re stuck at our desks all day doing this crap.” He flips the appropriate finger at the files in front of me and walks swiftly out of my office door. Whistling, he gets in the raiser to go home.
Bastard, I think grumpily. I can reasonably blame him for my situation as he’d been the one to get me the new position, or so he claimed. I’ve been working my way up at MEM for five years and last week I finally received notice that I was to be the new officer in the ethics department. As my work load rose to mountainous proportions throughout the day, I began to wonder if it wasn’t a curse rather than a gift I had been granted.
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